Stop Icing Your Arm
Icing after you throw is what is making your arm hurt. Many trainers, coaches, and even doctors are still advocating the RICE (Rest, Ice,...

How to plan an athlete's summer
All parents of youth athletes (K-12) have to make choices for the summer. What it usually comes down to is the choice of playing some...

“Calorie counting, Eat less/Move more” DOESN’T WORK
For many of us, trying to make improvements in our health, lifestyle, and nutrition, we feel like it always comes with great sacrifice...

Is Magnesium THE key supplement?
At APEC we are not pill pushers.. However, it is responsible to investigate what's missing in our American pallet that our...

Advanced does not mean appropriate
The advanced nature or entertainment value from a drill is not a barometer for the skill of the athlete doing it. Appropriate > Advanced

Strike People Out: How to Protect Your Arm (Part 3)
Part 3 Off-season, Training, Yearly-Monthly-Weekly-Daily Recovery In part 3 we will get into what a year should look like for a throwing...

Strike People Out: How to Protect Your Arm (Part 2)
Part 2 Lifestyle Choices: Sleep, Hydration, Nutrition Lifestyle Choices Just because the statistics say you are likely to have a car...

Strike People Out: How to Protect Your Arm (PART 1)
Part 1 Warm-up ; 2 Out Drills ; Cool-down : The Things We Need But Don’t Make Time For Warm-up Let’s think about this: there are 2-3...

Strike People Out: How to Protect Your Arm
"Every year the MLB spends $1.5 billion on pitchers salaries which is more than the combined cost of every starting quarterback in the...

7 reasons your kid doesn't need Personal Training
First, let me explain that I have done my share of personal training over the last 20 years and there are limited, but appropriate times...